In Chania, at the bougatsa shop of Iordanis, tables are populated since dawn with Chaniots and people who have just arrived from near-by villages to feast on their favourite bougatsa served on small zinc dishes.
Inspired rhyming verse inscriptions on the walls (sometimes even Cretan couplets) testify that this joint is one of people’s favourites.
“Whenever I come to Chania, I get those sugar cravings.
Eating one whole baking pan of bougatsa Iordanis is the only way to tame them (one baking pan though won’t do the trick)”.
Have a look at this one:
“Expensive labels mean nothing to me, even if it’s an Armani;
but the bougatsa I eat, must always come from Iordanis”.
Μore at Greek Gastronomy Guide…