ARCTUROS is a civil, non profit, non governmental, environmental organization that was founded in 1992 and focuses on protecting wildlife fauna and natural habitat in Greece and abroad. ARCTUROS established and operates a Brown Bear and a Wolves Sanctuary, which hosts ex captive bears and wolves in an effort to definitely solve the problem wild animals captivity in Greece and other european countries. |
MOm/ The Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk seal is a Greek non–governmental environmental organization with the legal status of a Non–profit association. MOm is active in the protection and promotion of the coastal and marine environment of Greece, through the protection of the Mediterranean monk seal, which is the only seal species in the Mediterranean Sea and the most endangered seal on earth. |
Since 1983, the primary objective of ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece has been to protect the sea turtles and their habitats in Greece through monitoring and research, developing and implementing management plans, habitat restoration, raising public awareness and rehabilitating sick and injured turtles. |
We are “monopatologists”. This means being a specialist in the field of Monopatology. Again, what’s that? Monopatology is a term that we have created to describe the development of a hiking trails network, seen as an investment in tourism.
The development of such a network, when carefully designed, is the cheapest tourist investment. It also brings a multitude of benefits (economic, environmental and socio-cultural ones). |
The National Observatory of Athens (NOA) was established in 1842 by the Vienna-based national benefactor George Sinas. It carries out state-of-the-art basic and applied research in collaboration with other world-leading research centers. The activities of NOA are organized in 3 institutes staffed with high quality scientific, research and technical personnel: the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, the Institute of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, and the Geodynamics Institute. |
Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering & Climbing |
The Association of Licensed Tourist Guides has 1000 members that work all over Greece, undertaking programs and visits for Schools, Educational Institutions, Travel Agencies, various Organizations and individual visitors. |
The Greek Marinas Association (G.M.A.) was established in 2010 in order to represent, upgrade and promote the tourist ports and marina facilities throughout the country. GMA membership includes 77% of the total regional berthing capacity, having as members both public and private, well organized marinas that focus on Quality, Safety and customer satisfaction. |
For the protection and development of thermal natural resources, it was founded in 1983 the Hellenic Association of Municipalities with Thermal Springs (H.A.M.T.S). |
Mount Athos Area Organisation was founded in early 2010 at the initiative of representatives of the hotel and tourism family, from the third peninsula of Hakidiki, aiming to the touristic, cultural, financial enhancement/promotion of this area.
Nowadays has 75 members, and the members register has been enriched by businessmen who activate in various sectors, associating with tourism, culture, sports, trade, economy and development. |
Those of us participating in ‘DIAZOMA’ are determined to put our esteem for the country’s monuments and cultural heritage into practice. Ancient theatres are the focus of our interest and our aim is to enhance them, to find funding and, wherever feasible, to include these monuments in our daily life. Open to all citizens of the world, ‘DIAZOMA’ seeks to take ancient theatres, these birthplaces of democratic principles and cultural and intellectual creativity, under its wing. |
Thanks to its value-for-money services, Athens International Airport has earned numerous international awards and distinctions. Today, it forms a unique entrepreneurial entity of economic and social development in the Attica region. The airport community employs over 13,000 people and hosts approximately 300 companies, making it one of the largest employment engines in Greece. |
Greek Gastronomy Guide aims to inform our visitors about all the merits and aspects of our culinary heritage. Places and landscapes, products and people, history and traditions, happenings and rituals, markets and enterprises, tastes, recipes and local cuisines, unfold before you in such a way that every place will come to life as a gastronomic destination. |
Safe Water Sports is a non-profit social initiative founded in the interest of providing information and raising awareness to the general public on safety matters related to recreational water activities and water sports with emphasis on safety standards and the prevention of accidents. |
The Centre of History and Science “GRAMMI.org” is a new initiative that aims at turning, through its activities, the visit to Corinth to an unforgettable experience. The Centre’s aim is to offer opportunities to visitors to experience, in an innovative, exciting, and interactive way, the importance of Corinth’s history and the scientific and technological achievements connected with it. With the lead of history the scientific achievements are unfolded as they were developed in Corinthia. |