Dora Stratou Dance Theatre

The living museum of Greek dance, since 1953.

A public-benefit institution subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the National Tourism Organization under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens.

–  Daily performances in the its 800-seat garden theatre, located on Philopappou Hill, opposite the Acropolis
–  A company of 75 dancers, musicians and folk singers
–  A collection of over 2,000 village-made costumes, with jewels and other works of folk art worn on stage.
–  School providing courses, lectures and workshops on Greek dance, folk embroidery and traditional culture.
–  Programs for elementary schools.
–  Field research programs in Dance Ethnography, Dance History, or Sociology.
–  Study group, courses and workshops on Ancient Greek dance.
–  Archives of dance books, articles, field recordings, photographs, videos and films.
–  Publications: over 40 LP records, 15 CDs, 15 cassettes, 7 videocassettes, 30 books on dance in Greek, English and other languages, 8 CD-ROMs, 5 DVDs.
–  Costume copies and accessories made for folk dance ensembles.
–  Organizer of the annual events: World Congress on Dance Research, Anapali Festival, Emmelia Festival.
–  Operation of the Dance Pandect portal:
–  Close cooperation with the International Dance Council CID, the UNESCO official summit organization for all forms of dance in all countries of the world:

House of the Dance, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens
Tel. (30) 210 324 4395, 210 324 6188, 210 921 2866, 210 921 4650 ; fax (30) 210 324 6921

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Cybeli Institute

kyv_syros2“The Cybeli Institute is a Cultural Institution that explores the theatrical history and the historical fortunes of Hellenism, it highlights concurrent processes in the European and international landscape, creates cultural synergies and promotes the cultural decentralization focusing on the Aegean, having as starting point the adventure of a large family which marked the theater, the politics and the arts of the Greek 20th century.

Its purpose is the preservation, research, utilization and promotion of all historical material about the Greek and European theatre of the 20th century, through the life and work of the leading lady Cybeli and her family.”
Cybeli web site:


Posts for Syros


  • Sep 2,2016

At a distance of about 45 minutes from Chalandriani a prehistoric settlement from the later years of the Early Cycladic period II has been discovered covering an area of 3.5 to 5 acres. In this area the excavations brought to light a graveyard with about 600 tombs as well as ruins of inestimable value that indicate that ceramic, stone and metalwork has been developed in the area. Various vases,... read more

The Aquarium in Kini

  • Sep 1,2016

The aquarium in Kini is one of the most popular attractions for both children and adults as it enables visitors to experience the magical marine world of the Aegean Sea and study in depth the marine flora and fauna. The Aquarium boasts an educational character as it invites guests to learn everything there is to know about the sea as well as the sea activities and equipment used in such cases so as to awaken... read more

Pherecydes Cave

  • Sep 2,2016

On the road to Ano Syros and shortly after the rural settlement of Kyperoussa one can find the cave of Pherecydes. To reach the cave he must follow a small dirt road that slowly begins to go downhill leading visitors to a magnificent land nuzzled between the earth, the sky and the blue horizon. That’s where the cave where the theogonist poet and philosopher Pherecydes used to reside during the cold... read more


  • Sep 1,2016

Chalandriani is located 9.5 kilometers away from Ermoupolis, on the northeast side of the island and it is one of the most important archaeological sites within the Cyclades as a prehistoric acropolis dating back to the 3rd millennium BC has been discovered in the area after excavations conducted by Christos Tsountas in the late 19th century. Source: [vc_row][vc_column][ivi_nbcaj... read more

Historic Theater Apollon

  • Sep 1,2016

The historic Theater Apollon is one of the major attractions of Syros and constitutes an emblem of the island’s cultural heritage. Created in 1864 by the Italian architect Pietro Sampo who was inspired by 4 stunning Italian standards including the Scala di Milano, the theater Apollon adorns the heart of the capital to this day. The Apollo Theater first opened its doors with an Italian theater troupe... read more

Agathopes Beach

  • Sep 1,2016

Agathopes beach is one of the most popular beaches of Syros, just 14 km from Hermoupolis. It is a beautiful beach with golden sand and shallow waters, offering all the comforts as well as easy access by bus making it a perfect choice for a memorable day on the beach. Guests can swim in the clear blue waters and enjoy a coffee or meal in the cafeterias and taverns along the beach. Just 1 km from... read more

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National Gallery

Established in 1900, the National Gallery moved frequently before settling in its permanent home on Vasilos Konstantinou and Vasilissis Sofias Streets.

ethniki-pinakothiki2Until 1939, the gallery was located at the University of Athens. At the start of World War II, the collection was moved to the basement of the Archaeological Museum for preservation.

The gallery’s collections have expanded continuously, thanks to donations from private collectors such as Alexander Soutsos.
Much of the museum’s sculpture collection was moved to the National Glyptotheque located in Alsos Stratou in Goudi.
National Gallery web site: Source:

Posts for Attica

Equitrek Attica

  • Jun 17,2020

We are a Greek equine tourism and recreation business based just one hour outside the city of Athens in Atticas historical area of Marathonas. We offer a vary of equine activities and experiential workshops also horseback holidays, combined outdoor activities and tour packages. Our horses are part of the family and their heart and spirit the core of all our activities. We are passionate about our work... read more

“Dora Stratou” Performance Information...

  • Feb 26,2020

PERFORMANCE  INFORMATION  2020 "Dora Stratou" Greek Dances Theatre, Philopappou Hill Garden Theatre - The living museum of Greek dance   OPENING NIGHT  27 May 2020     CLOSING NIGHT  20 September 2020 PERFORMANCES Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 21:30. Saturday and Sunday 20:30. Monday, Tuesday (27, 28 June, 1-5 July and 12-23 August) closed or organizes additional... read more


  • Jun 26,2019

A well-kept secret lies inside the secret facilities at the heart of Silk City. The people are starting to ask questions. Something’s not right about this building. For years, all they would see were strange, secretive human figures, meeting with the scientist who had made this building his permanent residence, only rarely leaving the premises. The object of those meetings was kept entirely secret,... read more

The Museum of Illusions in Athens

  • May 31,2019

If a picture is worth a thousand words, be sure that an illusion hides more than a million Enter the fascinating world of illusions which will trick your confidence in senses, but amaze you by doing it; the world that will confuse you completely, but also educate you… Visit us and you will be thrilled because nothing is what it seems, especially not HERE! Are you ready for an even bigger, better,... read more

Liar Wanted by Dimitris Psathas

  • Mar 20,2019

Liar Wanted by Dimitris Psathas  brought to you by THEATRIKES SKINES and Petros Zoulias  from 15 MARCH AT THE PALLAS THEATRE SURTITLES IN PALLAS THEATER THEATRIKES SKINES SA offer the opportunity to all foreign visitors and residents of Athens as well as theater-lovers with hearing difficulties to watch the performances at PALLAS Theater. In Athens, a city rightly described as the theatrical... read more

Ancient Symposium, A theme site full of knowledge...

  • Jan 24,2019

“SYMPOSIUM” was established by Georgios and Emmanouel Roussis. We are a family of artists, a father and his son, who have had a passion for sculpture and, lately, for ancient Greek wine-making. Both Georgios and Emmanouel Roussis studied at the School of Fine Arts in Athens and Florina respectively, at the Department of Sculpture, with a scholarship. They are ordinary members of the Greek Chamber... read more

διαβάστε περισσότερα

“Melina Merkouri” Art and Concert Hall

melina_ydra1Named in honour of Greek actress and politician Melina Merkouri, the Art and Concert Hall of Hydra is located on the port’s promenade, just west of the statue of Andreas Miaoulis.

Housed in the Lazaros Koudouriotis residence, its lovely arcade and exquisite marble floors create a stunning first impression, surpassed only by the distinguished exhibitions, concerts and cultural events hosted here.

melina_ydra2Exhibiting a variety of works by prominent artists each year, the Hall confirms Hydra’s reputation as the island of culture and artists.


Posts for Attica

Equitrek Attica

  • Jun 17,2020

We are a Greek equine tourism and recreation business based just one hour outside the city of Athens in Atticas historical area of Marathonas. We offer a vary of equine activities and experiential workshops also horseback holidays, combined outdoor activities and tour packages. Our horses are part of the family and their heart and spirit the core of all our activities. We are passionate about our work... read more

“Dora Stratou” Performance Information...

  • Feb 26,2020

PERFORMANCE  INFORMATION  2020 "Dora Stratou" Greek Dances Theatre, Philopappou Hill Garden Theatre - The living museum of Greek dance   OPENING NIGHT  27 May 2020     CLOSING NIGHT  20 September 2020 PERFORMANCES Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 21:30. Saturday and Sunday 20:30. Monday, Tuesday (27, 28 June, 1-5 July and 12-23 August) closed or organizes additional... read more


  • Jun 26,2019

A well-kept secret lies inside the secret facilities at the heart of Silk City. The people are starting to ask questions. Something’s not right about this building. For years, all they would see were strange, secretive human figures, meeting with the scientist who had made this building his permanent residence, only rarely leaving the premises. The object of those meetings was kept entirely secret,... read more

The Museum of Illusions in Athens

  • May 31,2019

If a picture is worth a thousand words, be sure that an illusion hides more than a million Enter the fascinating world of illusions which will trick your confidence in senses, but amaze you by doing it; the world that will confuse you completely, but also educate you… Visit us and you will be thrilled because nothing is what it seems, especially not HERE! Are you ready for an even bigger, better,... read more

Liar Wanted by Dimitris Psathas

  • Mar 20,2019

Liar Wanted by Dimitris Psathas  brought to you by THEATRIKES SKINES and Petros Zoulias  from 15 MARCH AT THE PALLAS THEATRE SURTITLES IN PALLAS THEATER THEATRIKES SKINES SA offer the opportunity to all foreign visitors and residents of Athens as well as theater-lovers with hearing difficulties to watch the performances at PALLAS Theater. In Athens, a city rightly described as the theatrical... read more

Ancient Symposium, A theme site full of knowledge...

  • Jan 24,2019

“SYMPOSIUM” was established by Georgios and Emmanouel Roussis. We are a family of artists, a father and his son, who have had a passion for sculpture and, lately, for ancient Greek wine-making. Both Georgios and Emmanouel Roussis studied at the School of Fine Arts in Athens and Florina respectively, at the Department of Sculpture, with a scholarship. They are ordinary members of the Greek Chamber... read more

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