Thermisia lagoon is an important habitat of rare migratory birds. It is a serene and unique lagoon surrounded by a breathtaking landscape.
Located in the picturesque village of Thermisia, to the east of Ermioni, the lagoon took its name from some hot springs that existed in the area. The Greek traveler Pausanias mentions a temple dedicated to Demeter Thermasia. This magnificent lagoon was used as a salt lake during the Venetian occupation and in modern times it hosted fish hatcheries. Today, it is of one of the most significant habitats in the region and it has been integrated in national and international protection networks; namely the European network CORINE BIOTOPS. The rare species that seek refuge in the site are protected under the European directive 79/409 and the Bern Convention.
Thousands of rare migratory birds visit the lagoon every year; herons, Gull-billed Terns (Gelochelidon nilotica), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), the great egret (Egretta alba) and numerous other species.