Drama is gifted with rich woodland. In the sierra of Central Rodopi distinguished the forests of Elatia or Kara Dere, in Sidironero district – Skalotis. The place is located in the central and northern part of the county and extends along the Greek-Bulgarian border.
Forests cover 37% of the total area of the county and Elatia Forest is the largest forest complex in the country. The rare fir with red trunk (red spruce) grows up only here at an altitude of 1200m. lower Downy will meet with Leaved Oak, while higher is the zone of Beech, the Black Pine and Fir. The forest village is a base from which they can be made trips to Stravorema and to the neighboring beautiful forest, where inside a wonderful environment roll gurgling icy waters allowing everyone to enjoy the wonderful feeling of direct contact with nature. (NESTOS – MESTA 001) The fir forest located in the central and northern part of the county and extends along the Greek-Bulgarian border. Characterized by a forest cover of 90% and the existence of the village of Elatia. In place Koutras and in distance of 72km from Drama there is unique beauty”s spruce forest and in the surrounding area of Elatia in a place called Magoula there is a birch forest. Other tree species found are beech, scots pine, hornbeam etc., and there is a multitude of herbaceous plants, and mushrooms.
Generally, the flora in Elatias is rich of species (more than 700), with many rare for Greek area. The fauna of the area is also rich in species such as the brown bear, wild boar, elk, deer, wolves and many species of birds, eg eagles and hawks.
Source: Eastern Macedonia & Thrace