Curative Natural Resource Pozar

Loutraki baths (Pozar) are located in the municipality of Almopia, 13 km northwest of Aridaia. The word “pozar” means ember, burning coal. The area of the Pozar Baths is a natural sight, located in a green environment with plane trees and waterfalls. Tile paved paths and constructed wooden bridges aid the visitor follow the mountain paths and reach the complex of the 16 caves. The open pool and the “ponds”, which are naturally shaped in the bank of the hot river, offer the chance of bathing... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Castle in Pythion

The Castle in Pythio (of the Byzantine Empythio) is located 16 km north of Didymoteicho, near the railway bridge, which enters from the Greek to the Turkish ground. It was built from 1331 to 1341 by Ioannis Kantakouzenos VI, who used it to control the crossings from the valley of the Evros river. Back then, this great river was navigable almost until Filipoypoli and it was the main commercial artery from north to south. Today, out of the small sized, but strong fort, only two large towers... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Curative Natural Resource Genisaia (Potamia)

The thermal city of Potamia is situated at the 18th kilometre of the road Xanthi – Komotini. People of the intellect, the arts and literature, like Dimokritos, Protagoras, Leykippos were born and thrived in the historical area of Avdira. In a small distance, lies Vistonida lake, one of the most important wetlands of Greece and a little further is the picturesque port of Porto Lagos. The visitor can combine balneotherapy, with a visit to the Archaeological and Folklore museum of Avdira and go round... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Curative Natural Resource Loutrohori

Loutrohori is built on the foot of mount Kamper, on the borders between the prefectures of Pella and Imathia and has an altitude of 90 metres. The beautiful pine forest of the village and the panoramic view of extraordinary beauty that the foot of the hill offers to the tree- covered plain, compose a magnificent scenery. In Loutrohori there are the homonymous curative springs, known throughout Greece for their various therapeutic properties. In the past, they functioned with visitors from different... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Ancient Plotinoupoli

The hill of Agia Petra in south-eastern side of Didymoteicho has been largely associated with the Roman Plotinopoli. The city was founded by the Roman emperor Trajan, named in honor of his wife Plotina. This hill, in a strategic position, attracted the archaeological interest before the Second World War. In 1965, during the construction of a trench by soldiers was found a hammered gold bust of the Roman emperor Septimius Severus (193-21 AD), which is now kept in the Museum of Komotini. Systematic... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Curative Natural Resource Agkistro

Agkistro village is built on the Greek- Bulgarian borders, east of the valley of Strymonas. It is an exceptional alternating scenery, serene with lush vegetation and ideal climate conditions. During the reign of Filippos 2nd of Macedonia (4th century B.C.), mines of iron and gold operated in the Agkistro mountain, which along with Paggaio, funded the Alexander ‘s the Great Panhellenic campaign to Asia against the Persians. The hot springs of Agkistro have always been visited by people throughout... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Castle of Kavala

The castle of Kavala is at the top of the peninsula where the old city is built. During Byzantine times and after them successive reconstructions and interventions in the fortification by the Byzantines, Venetians and Turks, have been done. The castle (citadel) in its present form, was built in the first quarter of the 15th century, based on Byzantine foundations. In its external theater are held cultural events. Castle's Presentation Website: Source: Eastern Macedonia... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Archaeological Site Zone Messimvria

Messemvria-Zone, a colony of Samothraki the late 7th century BC, initially served the needs of the diocese in agricultural products and commercial communication with the Thracian tribes of the hinterland. But the original rural character passed almost early - in the 6th century B.C. - in a second place, as well as trading and maritime movement of goods proved to be very safe and profitable. So the city developed quickly to an important commercial center and was highly developed during the 5th and 4th century... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Curative Natural Resource Sidirokastro

The curative baths are located seven kilometers west from the city of Sidirokastro. The curative springs are known from byzantine times, but the old facilities were ruined during the Balkan wars. In this area one may combine the care of one’s health with a visit to the byzantine castle, Kerkini lake, Rupel fortress and the bridge of the Strimona river where Hercules completed the feat with “Gironi’s oxen”. Curative Water The temperature of the water is 43, 7- 55ο C Characterisation:... διαβάστε περισσότερα

Archaeological site of Avdira

Archaeological site of Avdira, in the cape of Bouloustra includes the northern and southern precincts, the acropolis of the ancient city and its cemeteries, extending mainly to the NW, N and NE, dating from the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods. Place in the northern precinct preserved sections of the wall and one room buildings prior Clazomenia city of Asia Minor, 7th century BC., parts of the wall of Tiion, the 6th-5th century BC, boathouse of the same era, located on the northeastern... διαβάστε περισσότερα