Marina rewarded with the “Blue Flag” since 2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
Olympic Marine is strategically located at a key location in Greece that offers easy and quick access whether by road or sea. It is just 20 minutes form Athens International Airport and a breath away from the Cyclades islands. As for our prices nowhere else will you find such a good relationship between price and the services offered. It is not by chance that it has been awarded continuously by the International Program “Blue Flag” since 2000.
The marina offers 680 mooring places for boats up to 40 meters and a dry dock capacity for 700 boats as we offer 3 travel lifts (40tons, 65tons, 200tons) for hauling and launching.
- 680 berths
- Boatyard & repair unit
- Electric power 220/380 V
- Slipway for trailers
- Restaurant – Café – Bar
- Chandlery shop
- Mini-market
- Rent a car
- Fuel station
- WC and shower facilities
- Laundry and dryers
- Round the clock surveillance by private security company and local authorities
- Luggage trolley
- Special barrels for oil and biological waste
- Recycle bins
- Tender pilot mooring assistance
- Car parking
- Wi-fi
Marina’s Website:
Inside the castle, former residence of Vafeiadis, the renovated building of the Greek interwar, is housed the Municipal Gallery of Didymoteicho. It was founded in 2000 to host the works of the internationally renowned painter Dimitrios Nalbandis.
t was decorated internally and externally in eleven months time by the same painter, under voluntary offer to its hometown and the memory of his mother. For the decoration, the painter was influenced from the Byzantine history of Didymoteicho and took elements of the post-Byzantine church of the Dormition of Holy Mary of Didymoteicho.
he visitor can admire a unique collection of paintings and forty-six projects, covering a brilliant career of thirty-five years, all donated by the painter, who was honored by the UN. At times, the artist has organized painting lessons for students and teachers in the gallery as well as exhibitions of works by children.
Source: Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
The Drama Archaeological Museum was built by the Municipality of Drama and beguested to the Ministry of Culture. In this way the local community managed to speed up the procedure for the founding of an Archaeological Museum in the town. Even though the museum is small, marks the beginning of a major effort to systematize archaelogical research and promote the cultural identity of the area.
The archaelogical finds record the gratual steps towards civilisation taken in the
The Drama Archaeological Museum was built by the Municipality of Drama and beguested to the Ministry of Culture. In this way the local community managed to speed up the procedure for the founding of an Archaeological Museum in the town. Even though the museum is small, marks the beginning of a major effort to systematize archaelogical research and promote the cultural identity of the area.
The archaelogical finds record the gratual steps towards civilisation taken in the Drama region, firest by presenting the Middle Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers (50,000 B.C.), then the earliest Neolithic farmers and pastoralists of the Drama plain (5,500 – 3,000 B.C.) the first, patriarchal, Bronze Age communities (3,000-1.050 B.C.) and the mighty tribes of the Early Iron Age (1,050-700 B.C.). The warlike Thracian tribes that ancient Greek litterature records as living in the Drama region were descended from the warriors with iron swords whose tombs the archaeologist΄s brought to light in the Drama industrial Zone.
From the beggining of the 7th century B.C., with the founding of the southern Greek colonies on the island of the Thasos and along the coast of Macedonia, the Greek world started to penetrate inland into the area now covered by the Prefecture of Drama. Thasos, and its coastal colonies between the rivers Strymon and Nestos, opened the way for trade and cultural exchanges between the Thracian hinterland and the Greek city states on the coast. The Thasians were followed by the Athenians, later by the Macedonians and then by the Romans, as the region became increasingly urbanised. Mount Pangeon cast its shadow over the Drama plain, and loomed large in its history and its culture as a source of wealth with its gold and silver mines, and as the mountain sacred to Dionysos. The god was worshipped by Thracians and Greeks alike, as can be seen from the votive offerings recoveredfrom the sanctuary of dionysos in the ancient settlement of Drama.
The historical record makes almost no mention of the region during the Archaic and Classical periods, and archaeology has little to add due to the lack of large-scale excavations to date. It seems, however, that powerful Thracian kingdoms or autonomous city-states had not arisen. Overall, the Drama basin and its surrounding uplands entered history as a province first of the kingdom of Macedon and then of the Roman Empire, with Philippi as its principal urban centre.
Philippi remained the region’s administrative and cultural capital during the Early Christian period (4th-6th century A.D.), when the Drama area flourished as a district of the diocese of Philippi.
Only after the ancient world collapsed at the end of the 6th century A.D and Philippi declined did the area acquite its own urban centre. The citadel of Drama appears during the Early Byzantine period, as the headquarters of the local military comander in control of the area. In the Late Byzantine period, the citadel and the surrounding land, though reapetdedly overrun by Latins and Bulgars, remained Byzantine from the mid 13th century until conquered by the Serbs in the mid 14th century, In 1371 it was recovered by the Byzantine emperor Manuel Paleologos, and became an administrative centre and the seat of an archibishopric until 1383, when it fell to the Ottomans.
During thr period of Turkish occupation, Drama, its population increased by Turkish colonists from Anatolia, remained the regions’s principal town and administrative centre. it was, however, administratively and culturally directly dependent on constantipole,capital of the Ottoman empire and seat of the Oecumenical Patriarchate. The Greek-Orthodox communities of the Drama area, together with all the subjugated Greeks, rallied round the Patriarchate to protect their interest and organise the preservation of their ethnic identity through education.
Drama’s prosperity, which in the 17th and 18th centuries was founded on the cultivation of rice and cotton, rose to new heights on the 19th century with the growing and trading of tobacco. At this time Drama and the nearby towns flourished economivally and culturally as a result of the contacts made through the tobacco trade with Western Europe.
At the end of the 19th century the region was caught up in the conflict brought on the newly-formed Bulgarians state’s desire to expand into Macedonia, and paid a high price for its part in the Macedonian struggle and the Balkan Wars, In the early 20th century, with the end of the Balkan Wars in 1913, Drama and the surrounding area were incorporated into the Greek state.
Prehistory (50,000-700 B.C.)
The earliest traces of human settlement in the Prefecture of Drama come from the springs of Angitis Cave, where finds have revealed occupation by Paleolithic hunters. These finds consist of animal bones and stone tools dating to the Middle Paleolithic Age, Mousterian period (50,000 B.C).
The first Neolithic farmers and pastoralists made their appearance in the Drama basin in the sixth millennium B.C. A large number of Middle and Late Neolithic settlements attests to the area?s rising population from the sixth to the end of the fourth millennium B.C. A full picture of Neolithic culture in Drama basin is provided by finds from the excavation at the sites of Sitagri and Arkadiko. Tools, jewelery and pottery fired in high temperatures and decorated with elaborate techniques represent the earliest technical achievements of Neolithic man in the Drama region, and his cultural relations with neighbouring areas. The finds throw light on Neolithic architecture, and Neolithic man?s activities connected with food preparation and storage processes, weaving, basket-making, and also the attempt to express his personality and to communicate with the forces of nature through idols and ritual vessels. In the prehistoric settlement of Sitagri we have the first evidence of metal-working at the end of the Neolithic Age.
Other finds from Sitagri settlement give us a picture of the area?s culture during the Early Bronze Age (3,000-2,000 B.C), a time of rapid cultural transformation throughout Europe. The pottery evidence shows that at this time the Drama area developed cultural links central Europe and the North-Eastern Aegean. Late Bronze Age finds from tombs at Potami and Exohi reveal links with the and the continental Balkans and Central Macedonia, while the local Mycenaean pottery provides the first examples of contact with the Mycenaean world. Pottery, weapons, tools and jewelery from the tombs excavated in the Drama Industrial Zone confirm that the region?s links with the Balkan hinterland and central Macedonia continued into the Early Iron Age (1.050-700 B.C.)
Antiquity (700 B.C.-324 A.D.)
Surface pottery with proto-geometric decoration offers the earliest known evidence of links between the Drama region and the Thasian colonies, along the coast between the Strymon and Nestos rivers, From the late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Attic pottery appears, together with other imported items such as the Corinthian helmet found in the Kalambaki settlement. The marble bust of Dionysos From the sanctuary if Dionysos in Drama is the earliest evidence of the cult this god in the hinterland if mount Pangeon.
The Late Classical and Hellenistic Ages are represented by more abundant finds. The monumental building at kali Vrisi, the votive offerings from the sanctuary of Dionysos and the Macedonian tomb in the ancient settlements of Drama, as well as the tombstones and grave monuments from the cemeteries of other ancient settlements all attest to the economic and cultural prosperity that resulted from the region?s incorporation into the kingdom of Macedon. The hoard of 860 coins found at Potami confirms that immediately after Phillip?s conquest of the area in the 4th late 4th century B.C., the Macedonian king?s Hrd currency began to supplant the coinage of Thasos and its Colonies. Hoards of coins were often placed in tombs as grave goods, in pots that were mostly locally made.
The milestone from the ancient settlement of Kalambaki is evidence if the road building carried out in the area by the Macedonian kings. The Via Egnatia milestone from the same area confirms that this great Roman road followed an older Macedonian road from Amphipolis to Phillippi.
During the Roman Period the greater part of the present-day prefecture of Drama belonged to the province of the Roman colony of Philippi. The archaeological finds reveal a co-existence of the Greek and Roman worlds, into which the local Thracian tribes were absorbed. The bronze statuette of Zeus found at Marmaria shows that during the Roman period the Early Classical style, known throughout the Greek world, was used for statues of Zeus.
The gravestone found near the village of Grammeni records the brilliant military career of Tiberius Claudius Maximus, the Roman legionary who, fighting beside the emperor Trajan in the Dacian war, captured and behaded the last Dacian king, Decebalus.
Early Christian and Byzantine period (324 A.D.-1383 A.D.)
Architectural sculpture testifies to the quality of the art that flourished in the Drama region during the 5th and 6th centuries A.D., under the influence of the city of Philippi. Ceramics and coins confirm the Drama was inhabited and flourished continuously from Early Christian to Late Byzantine times. Excavations in the Philipi plain and the surrounding uplands have shed light on the way of life in the region?s farms and hill forts.
Byzantine monuments are few and scattered. And 11th ? 12th century chancel-screen panel from Sitagri and a mid-Byzantine stanchion from Kallifito testify to the existence of Byzantine churches in the areas. The monastic complex of St George Diasorite, which has been excavated near the village of Paleohori, belonged to the foremost monastic centre in the diocese of Drama, the Eikosifinissa monastery. One of the most interesting finds from this excavation was a stone sundial inscribed with the hours and its date of manufacture, 1069.
Remains of Byzantine Drama include the city walls, in which two building phases, the early Christian and the Byzantine, can be distinguished, the church of Agia Sofia, built in a 10th century style, and the small Paleologue church of the Archangels (Taxiarches), which has preserved valuable evidence of architecture and painting on Drama during the Byzantine period. Part of an 11th-12th century Byzantine bath has been excavated at the Agia Varvara springs. The repairs to the walls are mentioned in an inscription on a lintel dated to the 10th-11th century or according to the others the 9th century. The marble icon stand which has been used as a skylight in the century as a skylight in the church of the Presentation of the Virgin originally came from a 12th-13th century Byzantine church. Pottery, coins and jewelery from excavations within Drama and the other sites such as Xiropotamos portray public and private life during the Byzantine period. Of particular interest are two hoards of coins from Drama and Volakas containing 12th and 13th century gold and bronze bent coins.
Recent History (1383-1913)
A marble relief from the west door of the church of St. George at Krithara (built 1870-1880) placed at the entrance to the 5th room of the museum is devoted to the recent history of Drama, a painted roof (1869) from a house in Drama on the ceiling of the same room, a post-Byzantine icon of the Deisis, a decorative relief and hoards of both Ottoman and European coins create the proper ambience for an exhibition of photographs covering the monuments and history of Drama and its environs from the beginning of the Turkish period to the liberation of the city on 1913.
The photographic exhibition is divided into tree sections, referring respectively to Drama itself, to the urban centers outside the city and the mountain villages from the beginning of Turkish period until the mid 19th century, and to the monuments of the second half of the 19th century both in Drama and the surrounding area.
Amenities for the physically challenged:There is access for people with disabilities and catalog of findings in Braille system.
Source: Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
The Silk Museum details the phases of sericulture and silk industry.
Operated by the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation and is housed in a neoclassical building of 1886, the mansion Kourtidi, located in downtown Soufliou which was renovated and opened in September 2008.
In the museum you have the opportunity to learn the history of natural silk route from China to Europe. It also shows all the phases and stages of the pre-industrial process of rearing silkworms
(sericulture) and processing of silk (silk), in the socio-economic context that made the region an important center of silk in Greece (late 19th – mid 20th century).
The documentary highlighted here help connect the sericulture and silk industry with specific spatial and temporal context.
In the section “Costumes Soufli “will admire unique accessories of Soufli costumes.
Young visitors have the opportunity to see reconstructions of all stages of silk processing.
The Museum organizes educational programs with games and activities for schools and group visits, such as the “Come to weave”, where children are taught the cycle of sericulture, the process of weaving and dyeing of silk.
Organized visits: for better service to visitors groups should be preceded prior arrangement with the Museum.
Persons with disabilities (PWD): The entrance for persons with disabilities are free. For group visits, tt is necessary the prearrangement with the Museum.
Mr Ahilleas Alexoudis
Source: Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
The Thracian Cultural and Ethnological Museum of Thrace, Komotini and set the house on the street Skouteri Kouloglou 10 and a donation of Royal Skouteri – Dintsoglou to the Municipality of Komotini. The architecture, decoration, furniture and objects from the
the Museum attach the life of the bourgeoisie of the city and the atmosphere of the time on the verge of 19th and 20th century. The Skouteri house built in the late 19th century at the same time as the adjacent listed building which was the residence of the brothers Telonidi. The family settled in Komotini Skouteri coming from the mainland and this house was the residence of the family until the second half of the 20th.
In simple neoclassical lines, the building exemplifies the architecture residence modern era of the bourgeoisie of Thrace. It”s probably built by craftsmen from Epirus. Incorporates domestic art building with, of European origin, frescoes on the walls of the first floor.
Source: Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
διαβάστε περισσότερα
Porto Carras Marina is the largest private marina in Northern Greece.
Porto Carras Marina is situated on the East Side of Sithonia Peninsula, Chalkidiki -Northern Greece and is part of the luxurious Porto Carras Grand resort.
Porto Carras Marina is the largest private marina at Northern Greece with a capacity of 315 berths for yachts up to 55m long and depth 5.5m draught and is awarded every year with the international Blue Flag award for its crystal waters as well as its contribution in the protection of the environment. Marina is ideal for entertainment, touring and sport in the sea.
Porto Carras Marina is 110Km /63 nm away from Thessaloniki Airport.
- 315 Berths
- Maximum Draught 5.5m
- Electricity supply (220-380V)(16-125 Amp)
- Water
- Fuel Station
- Launching ramp and Dry Docking Area
- Wi-Fi
- Toilettes and showers
- Launderette
- Restaurants & bars
- Wide cyclists routes around the entire marina
- Maintenance area
- 24 hour CCTV Surveillance and security patrol
- 5* Hotels and Conference center
- 18 Holes Golf Course, 9 tennis courts, football courtσ, basketball etc.
- Thalassotherapies & Spa
- Horse riding club
- Casino
Marina’s Website:
One of the finest and well organized marinas in the Mediterranean.
Zea Marina is situated in Piraeus, on the Eastern shore of the Peninsula of Peiraiki. The sea area is made up to two harbor basins, the Internal harbor (Passalimani) and the External harbor (Freatida). Its activity is much more enhanced in relation to the other marinas due to the great number of shops inside the marina and its surroundings.
The Marina, fully organised, offering facilities and services of high standards, has been operating under the new management since January 2003. The total capacity is 670 berths, on both permanent and floating pontoons. Moorings are available for boats up to 80 meters long stern berthing or 150 meters alongside berthing and 9 meters draught.
• 670 berths
• Max LOA: 150m.
• Max draught: 9m.
• Electric power 220 / 380 V, 16-650 Amps
• Phone Connection
• 24-hour security services
• Port Authorities
• Wi-fi internet access
• WC / Shower / Laundry
• Car Parking
• Swimming pool
• Chandlery and Convenience Stores
• Restaurant, coffee shops and bars
• Waste Disposal/ Sewage Vacuum Station
Marina’s Website:
The Living History Museum Casa Parlante opened to the public in March 2014. Our name is a reference to the strong Italian cultural and architectural influence in Corfu.
Located in central Corfu Town, Casa Parlante recreates the environment of an historic mansion, by depicting the everyday life of 19th century nobility. It includes animated figures and features the essences and sounds of the age, creating an authentic and involving experience.
Casa Parlante is one of the winners of the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award 2013, under the name “Corfu Living History”.
Museum’s Website:
The marina is open all year round with its friendly and experienced staff ready to assist you.
Thessaloniki Marina is located in the Northern Aegean Sea at the Gulf of Thermaikos, 7 km away from Thessaloniki center. It is in the area of Kalamaria in a green quiet environment providing all conveniences and services of the city. The marina has 242 berths for servicing cruise boats and yachts from 5 to 30 meters. Every berth offers electricity, water and phone connection.
The marina is open all year round with its friendly and experienced staff ready to assist you. In recent years, Thessaloniki Marina is awarded the Blue Flag for our green and clean environment and clear sea. It is our policy to strive continuously to improve and protect the nature. There is a special area in the Marina for small scale repair works.
- 242 individual berths for yachts up to 27m in length
- Providing power supply, drinking water, fire protection piping (Electric power 220 / 380 V)
- Fuel station
- Ramp
- Boat maintenance
- WC / Shower / Laundry
- Car Parking
- Bank services (ATM)
- Doctor / First Aid service
- Restaurants, bars & cafes
Marina’s Website:
A luxurious haven for your yacht on the magnificent Kassandra Peninsula.
A luxurious haven for your yacht on the magnificent Kassandra Peninsula, the vibrant Sani Marina is one of the best kept secrets of the Aegean. Established as one of the founding members of exclusive Marina network “1782 Club” by Camper & Nicholsons, Sani Marina is conveniently located just 80km from Thessaloniki international airport and only 2 hours away from major European airports.
Nestled in the heart of Sani Resort, a privately-owned complex of luxury hotels and villas featuring 7 km of crystal clear waters plus world-class facilities and service, this state-of-the-art boutique Marina is dotted with a great range of awarded restaurants and bars and a variety of stylish shops and galleries. Sani Marina offers a cosmopolitan environment for yacht owners allowing them to become part of the Sani experience while mooring their boat in a safe heaven. Sani Marina is the ultimate mooring destination that you can’t miss.
- 32,000 m² wet surface with average water depth of 3m
- 215 individual stern to & alongside berths for craft up to 30m in length
- Drinking water, fire protection piping, power supply (Electric power 220/ 380V)
- Fuel station and Sewage Removal
- Slipway
- Boat maintenance (on request)
- Superyacht provision services (on request)
- 24-hour security services
- Port Authorities & Customs (N.Moudania)
- Wi-Fi internet access (free of charge))
- WC / Shower / Laundry
- Secured Parking zone
- Rent a Car and Boat Chartering
- Bank services (ATM)
- Doctor / First Aid service
- 20 restaurants offering culinary tastes ranging from inspired sushi to traditional Greek cuisine
- Cosmopolitan Bars & cafes
- Sports Center – Watersports – Diving Centre
- Sailing Academy
- Childcare facilities
- 3 Luxurious spas
Marina’s Website: Sani Marina